“It’s weird that everyone is
crazy about Chardonnay.”
“it is such a neutral grape variety,
yet it is the world's
favorite wine!”
- Jancis Robinson
We continue our series of sessions with the Fredericksburg Tasting Room team we are calling "The Experience Wine Class." We will be watching and meeting for the purpose of expanding our knowledge and experience with wine. Our guide will be Jancis Robinson's Wine Course
, an excellent resource! Aired in the United Kingdom in 1995 and is fascinating to see both areas where the wine industry has NOT changed and areas where it HAS. You can watch it all on YouTube!
Episode 2- Chardonnay is AMAZING because of the juxtaposition Jancis shows us; New World vs Old World. She starts out on the Geoff Merrill's winery in McLaren Vale Australia where it is DRY as a bone and there seems to be two maybe three men working with giant machines, pumps, giant hoses, tractors and using additives like enzymes, yeast nutrients and liquid sulfur (to prevent oxidization), and techniques like all MOG removed (Martial Other than Grapes), and cooled like crazy (REFRIGERATION is very important to modern wine making), juice is squeezed as gently as possible to avoid any harsh flavors in the skins, stems and seeds. Then Mrs. Robinson takes us to France, Meursault specifically, the vineyards and winery of Dominique Lafon where it is soaking WET and there are DOZENS of people working, a lot of it by hand, some machines, pumps, hoses, tractors are used however only natural yeast and no additives are used. The two wineries are a night and day comparison in every way except one; both wine makers DID NOT like the other's Chardonnay AT ALL! It is GREAT television! Still and watching it again after multiple viewings!!
Jancis returns to Australia driving home even further the point of how dry it is there and interviewing Adam Wynn of Mountadam in the Barossa Valley. He went to Bordeaux U niversity, worked in Burgundy and had some of the most critical things to say about the French. “They have everything in their favor in France .” “If you are born lucky enough to inherit three hectares of Meursault; it is a license to print money.” “It is a tragedy to taste a bad French wine.” AND the punch line to it all is that Monntadam was founded by Adam's father in 1972 as one of Australia 's pioneer Chardonnay producers and handed it all over to Adam who sold off in 2002 and is seemingly out of the wine business and living in Japan!(?). While the other two Mr. Merrill and Mr. Lafon are both passionately making GREAT wines to this very day!!!
As important to Chardonnay as anything else is the time it spends in oak barrels, so Mrs. Robinson takes us to the Francois Freres cooperage in the Saint-Romain Forests where a 150 year old tree is cut down to make two barrels! On a whirlwind the way only a DVD can be Jancis takes us to San Francisco where the cooperage has an office and where Chardonnay DOMINATES on restaurant wine lists where she makes the declarative quote listed above.
It is a very compelling episode which is informative and instructional. Our team watched it and I provided this handout which has a few notes from the video and some information and links to more on the web related to the topics Jancis covers, hopefully it adds a bit of depth with some updates on the subjects. It is amazing stuff!!!
Please reply to this blog; is Chardonnay your favorite wine? If so; why?
I prefer my Chardonnays with butter and oak. I think she said it well that some people don't really love Chardonnay, but actually like the oak. That would be me!